统一码版本 4.1
The following characters we added to Unicode in 2005 and given emoji presentation status in the years 2010-2015.
☘️三叶草⚓锚⚒️锤子与镐⚔️交叉放置的剑⚙️齿轮⚖️天平⚗️蒸馏器⚰️棺材⚱️骨灰缸♿轮椅标识⚛️原子符号⚧️跨性别符号♾️无穷大⚕️医疗标志⚜️百合花饰⚫黑色圆⚪白色圆⚘Flower⚚Staff of Hermes⚢Doubled Female Sign⚣Doubled Male Sign⚤Interlocked Female and Male Sign⚥Male and Female Sign⚦Male with Stroke Sign⚨Vertical Male with Stroke Sign⚩Horizontal Male with Stroke Sign⚬Medium Small White Circle⚭Marriage Symbol⚮Divorce Symbol⚯Unmarried Partnership Symbol