Version Unicode 5.1

The following characters were amongst those added to Unicode in 2008, the majority of which were given emoji presentation status in the years 2010-2015.

Étoile🀄Dragon Rouge MahjongGrand Carré NoirGrand Carré Blanc߷NKo Symbol GbakurunenOutlined White StarCeresPallasJunoVestaChironBlack Moon LilithSextileSemisextileQuincunxSesquiquadrateWhite Draughts ManWhite Draughts KingBlack Draughts ManBlack Draughts King🀀Mahjong Tile East Wind🀁Mahjong Tile South Wind🀂Mahjong Tile West Wind🀃Mahjong Tile North Wind🀅Mahjong Tile Green Dragon🀆Mahjong Tile White Dragon🀇Mahjong Tile One of Characters🀈Mahjong Tile Two of Characters🀉Mahjong Tile Three of Characters🀊Mahjong Tile Four of Characters🀋Mahjong Tile Five of Characters🀌Mahjong Tile Six of Characters🀍Mahjong Tile Seven of Characters🀎Mahjong Tile Eight of Characters🀏Mahjong Tile Nine of Characters🀐Mahjong Tile One of Bamboos🀑Mahjong Tile Two of Bamboos🀒Mahjong Tile Three of Bamboos🀓Mahjong Tile Four of Bamboos🀔Mahjong Tile Five of Bamboos🀕Mahjong Tile Six of Bamboos🀖Mahjong Tile Seven of Bamboos🀗Mahjong Tile Eight of Bamboos🀘Mahjong Tile Nine of Bamboos🀙Mahjong Tile One of Circles🀚Mahjong Tile Two of Circles🀛Mahjong Tile Three of Circles🀜Mahjong Tile Four of Circles🀝Mahjong Tile Five of Circles🀞Mahjong Tile Six of Circles🀟Mahjong Tile Seven of Circles🀠Mahjong Tile Eight of Circles🀡Mahjong Tile Nine of Circles🀢Mahjong Tile Plum🀣Mahjong Tile Orchid🀤Mahjong Tile Bamboo🀥Mahjong Tile Chrysanthemum🀦Mahjong Tile Spring🀧Mahjong Tile Summer🀨Mahjong Tile Autumn🀩Mahjong Tile Winter🀪Mahjong Tile Joker🀫Mahjong Tile Back

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