
Émojis associés

Informaticien (Tous Genres)

A person behind a computer screen, working in the field of technology.

Usually shown working on a laptop, though Google's design appears to be using a desktop computer instead.

The laptop in Apple's design includes the Apple logo, as per a Macbook. Samsung and Huawei's designs include their company's logotype, while the designs from Microsoft, WhatsApp, Telegram, and JoyPixels show their logomark.

L'emoji Informaticien (Tous Genres) est un ZWJ sequence combinant 🧑 AdulteZero Width Joiner and 💻 Ordinateur Portable. Ceux-ci s'affichent sous la forme d'un seul emoji sur les plateformes prises en charge.

Informaticien (Tous Genres) a été ajouté à Emoji 12.1 en 2019.