

A face with open eyes and a small, open frown. Its eyebrows are furrowed, with a single bead of cold sweat dripping down, and its forehead is pale blue, as if experiencing a cold flash. Samsung's design shows upper teeth and tongue.

Meaning widely varies, but commonly conveys such feelings as sadness, disappointment, fear, and anxiety. Similar to 😥 Sad but Relieved Face, but with a blue head and larger frown.

Not to be confused with 😢 Crying Face, 😪 Sleepy Face, or other emojis with tear or sweat droplets. Microsoft and Samsung previously featured smileys that appeared more excited in expression.

冷や汗青ざめ は 2010 内の ユニコード6.0 の一部として承認されたものであり、2015 内の Emoji 1.0 に追加されました.