

A friendly, cartoon-styled face of a dog, looking straight ahead. Depicted as the face of a dog of various breeds, generally light-brown and white, with pointed or floppy ears and its tongue hanging out.

May be used with a more playful tone than the full-bodied 🐕 Dog, though their applications generally overlap. See also 🐩 Poodle.

One of the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac. Available as an Apple Animoji.

Many vendors implement the same or similar dog as their full-bodied 🐕 Dog, such as Google and Facebook. Apple and WhatsApp’s dogs have a white face with brown, floppy ears and a brown patch over one eye.

Included in the earliest Japanese emoji sets from Softbank, Docomo, and au by KDDI.

イヌの顔 は 2010 内の ユニコード6.0 の一部として承認されたものであり、2015 内の Emoji 1.0 に追加されました.