

WeChat has support for standard emojis, as well as emoji shortcodes which display custom emoji designs inline with text. These use an Apple-like style, and in some cases, use the exact same graphics as those created by Apple for use in iOS.

Users access WeChat-specific emojis (called Stickers in the WeChat interface) by tapping the smiley button within the WeChat interface. This is different to tapping the system-wide emoji button on the keyboard.

English language shortcode names used by WeChat are not standardized in any way, and vary from other platforms. Several Chinese character shortcodes are, however, shared with the microblogging platform Weibo.

As of February 2021, English language emoji shortcodes used on WeChat include:

Shortcode Android
(WeChat 7.0.21)
(WeChat 8.0.2)
[Let Down]